
M1F Status Update: October 2006

Hey there. It's been a while since I posted an entry here in this blog, so I figured I'd give you guys an update on things here.

Mark of the Wolf: Things are starting to move along now that I have recast the lead character. Hopefully what will happen next will be getting the teaser trailer off the ground and setting up the new production schedule.

The Warning: The second project has been delayed somewhat, but it will happen sometime next year. I'll still be working on the script rewrite, and my friend Sam will be looking into the effects. I'll keep you posted.

Fan Film Projects: I'm not into fan films, for I want to do original stuff, but I do have two fan film ideas that I want to try. I've written at least two scripts, both involve one comic book hero. I've given both of them to two more experienced filmmaker friends of mine. Two, who I think, will be more able to get this off the ground than I would. Now it's just a question of when (and if) the scripts will be read and who will do them first. Or will both of them get done. I'm not going to say who that hero is, in the event that both will fall through. But if any progress gets made, I'll let you know.

Technical Stuff: I recently purchased some new film editing software. Stuff that I will use for not only MOTW, but for other projects as well. It looks very good. I'll be adding some more equipment in the coming weeks.

That's it for now. It's looking more and more like M1F will officially make a presence next year. I can't wait to show you what I have planned. Stay tuned.


Finding a Kindred Spirt

When you're online, sometimes things happen. You come across sites, get emails, and things lead to where you meet up with several people who share the same interests as you and you strike up an online friendship. In the time I've spent online, I've met many friends who fit that bill.

But there's one online friend who I've met recently whose become like a kindred spirit in a way when it comes to film making.

It all started back in January, when I was looking over the YouTube website and came across some werewolf film I hadn't seen before, called "Dense Fear". After seeing the five minutes of clips about the film, I then visited the website and found out more about the guy who wrote and directed the film, Tony Gardner. Intrigued by this movie and eager to see more, I emailed him about it and he was kind enough to respond.

Since then, we've exchanged emails and soon after, began to chat online, All the while, he kept me updated about his film, including giving me a chance to see the completed movie (which I enjoyed a lot) as well as his other film projects. He also told me about his plans for the sequel to this movie while I told him about my initial M1F project, "Mark of the Wolf".

We've exchanged segments of each other's scripts and our ideas about what our films will be about. And I don't know, in some way, I've become more inspired to work on my script after each of our chats. Maybe it's the fact, that somewhere out there, I have an online friend and supporter who's just a huge werewolf fan as I am and is taking the initiative, to actually do a werewolf movie on his own. Like me, his first film was a werewolf movie and he plans on making the sequel bigger than the first one. And the more he shows me his work, the more psyched I am on seeing it when he's done. And he is even more eager to see what my film will look like when I get it completed.

From what Tony tells me, he plans on starting "Dense Fear II: Bloodline" sometime in September and the photos and info he's been providing looks great. If you want to know more about it, check out his blog here .

I wish Tony the best of luck putting this film together. From one fan and friend to another, let's hope that both of our movie projects do well.


New Look, New Logo!!!

Hey there.

As you've noticed, for those who regularly check out this blog, I've changed the look of this blog. Thanks goes to the Blogger Templates website for providing the new look. I plan on changing the other blogs I write with as well. I'll be tinkering around with the look for the next couple of days, but for now, this is the new M1F blog.

Another change is something that I'm very proud to reveal. As you can see to the left, this is the new official logo to MarkOne Films! When I first came up with M1F, I've always wanted to have my original M1N logo associated somehow with a film cell or strip. And now, I have it. Special thanks go out to my online friend Bobby from Waveride for putting this together. It's unique, it's original and it looks very cool!! So from here on in, every M1F project, starting with "Mark of the Wolf" (which begins production next month), will have this logo proudly displayed.

I can't begin to tell you how proud I am to have this logo. With this, it makes things official. It's not just a name. It's now something more. It's a brand that says what this is all about. I even know how to use this when I can finally show actual M1F movies.

So here it is: MarkOne Films. It's here, it's official. And now, with this logo, it's off and running.


M1F Status Update: June 2006

Hey there. It's been a while since my last post here on M1F. But that doesn't mean I haven't ignored things here. So here's a brief update.

-- My main focus right now is getting Mark of the Wolf off the ground. I've completed the first part of the script and things are progressing along with that. For more details, click on the MOTW page here.

-- As for my other announced project, "The Warning", my friend Sam plans to get started with that over the summer. When he fills me in on any news, I'll pass them along. I may even tinker around with the script for this and expand on the story based on what he's told me so far about what he's going to hopefully pull off.

-- I do have another idea for yet another short film. I won't reveal things just yet. But as I told an online friend of mine, this will be probably the first film idea I have that's grounded in some reality. (Not much of a clue, I know, but that's all you're going to get. ;) )

-- And lastly, I do have a basis for a fan film idea that I really want to try out. I've got a couple of friends that may be interested in it. But it's still just an idea and it may not even happen, but we'll see if it pans out or not.

That's the way things stand right now. I'll have another update soon.


New Script Done, New Logo in the Works

A quick update:

I've completed the script for the latest M1F project, "The Warning". I've sent it off to my friend Sam, who'll be acting in it and putting that together. I'll keep you posted on how that's coming together, but from what I understand from Sam, he plans to work on it over the summer.

Also, expect a new logo for M1F coming soon. A friend of mine, who's also come up with a great logo for MOTW, is also going to come up with one for M1F. If this turns out the way I think it will, expect this logo to be everywhere in the near future, starting with this very blog. I'll keep you posted.

That's it. Like I said, it was a quick one. I'll have another one soon.


New Project Announced: The Warning

Big news on the M1F front. Another new project has been added to the list. The name of this short film will be called "The Warning", and as been the case with the other projects announced so far, it will be a werewolf movie as well.

One day, I will do a regular film that doesn't have to do with werewolves. But hey, I can't help it, I like the genre. :)

Anyways, here's how the project came about. A couple of weeks ago, I was chatting with my online friend Sam, who lives out in England, about my MOTW project and the upcoming teaser trailer. He was looking forward to seeing it and through our chat, I brought up the subject if he would be up for playing a werewolf. He said sure, and the seeds were put into place.

I came up with a little summary of what I wanted to see and then I asked him would you want to be a good guy or a blood thirsty killer. Obviously, Sam wanted to be blood thirsty, so while crafting that, I came up with a good concept. Part of it was based on a short story I did a few years back. After writing the rough draft, I sent it over to Sam and he liked it a lot, so we're good to go.

I won't go into the full details of the story until we're closer to getting it done, but basically I'm writing the script and consulting from afar, while Sam will be filming it, acting in it, and possibly editing it.
It should be done over the summer. I'll keep you posted.

I've even asked Sam to put together a teaser poster for the film and he told me he'll see what he can do, so stay tuned.

In other M1F news, there may be a new logo coming up in the near future. Still early to give details, but once it's done, you'll see it here first.

That's it. Another update coming soon.


Big News: M1F has a Camcorder!!!

Well, it has come to my attention that you can't do films without a camcorder. So the big news I've been talking about the last time I posted is that I now have a camcorder.

This is it, in the photos to the right.

It's a Canon ZR 500 Mini-DV camcorder. One that records in widescreen and with high resolution.
I was able to purchase this bad boy last month, and I have to say, for a regular camcorder, this is a good one to have.

I've tested it out for a few trial runs and it works great. The picture quality is outstnading and the features are pretty good for a non professional camcorder.

I can't wait to really use this, not just for my film projects, but for other stuff as well, like possible road trips or family gatherings and the like.

But for right now, this is the "official" camcorder of M1F .

Speaking of M1F, here's a status report on my projects:

--The MOTW projects is moving along nicely. You can check out the MOTW blog here for the latest news.

-- I'm also planning to film one or two more films as well as MOTW. I'm looking at the last week of July/early August as possible shooting dates.

That's the latest for now. I'll have another update soon.


Big News Coming!!

Quick post here, just wanted to let you know that I'll have a major announcement coming soon. It has a lot to do with what I plan to do with M1F, so stay tuned for the next post, for I will reveal all. Thanks.


Update: Projects are Underway!!!

BIG news on the M1F front:

First off, my big project, "Mark of the Wolf" is no longer a feature-length film, or even a short film that will lead to a longer film. From now on, MOTW will be a short-film series. For more info, click on the MOTW page for the details. I still plan on having part of it out this fall.

More MOTW news: work has begun on a teaser trailer for the newly named film series. The first bit of footage has come in and I've already started on a rough cut. Expect it to be done by late March.

Meanwhile, in other news: I have found what will be my camera for the early projects that I'll be filming later on this year. I won't reveal what it is just yet. First things first, I have to buy it! (haha), so that'll wait till around March or April when I get enough finances together.

That's the news for now. It won't be long now before M1F will have something to show!


First M1F Update of 2006

Hey there.

It's been a while since my last post about my film projects, so I figured with the calendar change, it's time for an update:

-- Unnamed Fan Film Trailer: For right now, this (the first M1F project) is on hiatus for the moment. My friend Chase, who's doing the major work for this, is busy with several other projects, including working on a film for a film festival where he hopes to win a cash prize.
I wish him best of luck with that (I've read the script by the way, has great potential) but with him working on that, it looks more than likely that this trailer will be on hold for a while longer. He may or may not send me the live action part that he worked on prior to him starting his other works, but until I hear from him, this project will be on hold for a bit longer. I still may use the trailer script for an longer film down the line, but we'll see what happens. I still hold out hope that I can get Chase to help me out with it, but it depends on his schedule.

--MOTW: The Short Film: While the fan film trailer is on indefinite hold, this moves up the ladder. I've completed a teaser trailer script for the film and have sent it off to my friend Adam, who'll also be playing the lead in the film project. He should have his part of the footage done in the next couple of weeks. Then I'll hope to get the special effects part done and craft it all together. Best case scenario: Expect the teaser to be done sometime in March. I'll keep you posted.

--Other Projects: I have several story ideas in the works, but until I can spend more time with them, I'll hold off on details.

--Equipment: I plan on getting a camcorder sometime in the next couple of months. Probably in March or April at the latest. If things work out from there, expect some film tests and shorts to happen in the spring and then I'll turn to my major film projects over the summer. I hope to at least get one short film done in August and another done by the end of the year, depending on how things play out.

That's the update for now. I'll have another M1F update very very soon.