
First Photo from Vanishing Act

Hey there. A little treat for you. This is a photo from the upcoming project, "Vanishing Act".

Pictured to the left is my friend Chase, who stars in the movie. After seeing the raw footage from the film, I think he did a great job.

The big question as you see him looking at his hand in this photo is well, why is he looking at his hand?

Well, since the story is our take on the Invisible Man tale, I leave it to you guys to figure that one out.

Stay tuned for more about the movie and watch for its world premiere soon.


New Project Announced: Vanishing Act

Proud to announce a new project is currently underway for M1F: The name of the movie is "Vanishing Act"

This short film will be a joint effort between me and my online friend Chase and will be a new take on the classic Invisible Man tale. I wrote the script, basing it off an old idea that's been collecting dust for ages. And Chase, who's been looking to do some short films and quick film projects over the summer, will act and help put the entire film together.

Things are just getting started with this short film, but I can say that things are on the fast track with this project. So there's a chance that this will be done very very soon. I'll keep you posted.

With this announcement, that makes at least three definite projects that are in the works. My major film, "Mark of the Wolf" is still in pre-production (working on the script right now). Another project, "The Warning" is also in the pre-production stage. I've completed the latest version of the script and have begun storyboard work.

And, I'm also considering adding a fourth, but I'll fill you in on that soon.


Mark One Films Launches in 2007!!!

Hey there.

It's been a while since I last made a post on Mark One Films, but I do want you to know that things are still happening behind the scenes here.

In fact, I'm proud to say that this year, 2007, will be the year that you will finally start to see actual projects from M1F.

In addition to my major feature, "Mark of the Wolf" ,which will begin production later on this year, work is underway on several other projects. Some will be solo efforts, others will be joint collaborations. I'll keep you posted on their progress.

I don't want to give anything away just yet, but I can say that things are moving forward with what we have planned. My goal was to bring up some original, unique projects along with new spins on some familiar genres, and I'm looking forward to finally showing some of the results.

So stay tuned, as Mark One Films finally becomes a reality later on this year.