
First M1F Update of 2006

Hey there.

It's been a while since my last post about my film projects, so I figured with the calendar change, it's time for an update:

-- Unnamed Fan Film Trailer: For right now, this (the first M1F project) is on hiatus for the moment. My friend Chase, who's doing the major work for this, is busy with several other projects, including working on a film for a film festival where he hopes to win a cash prize.
I wish him best of luck with that (I've read the script by the way, has great potential) but with him working on that, it looks more than likely that this trailer will be on hold for a while longer. He may or may not send me the live action part that he worked on prior to him starting his other works, but until I hear from him, this project will be on hold for a bit longer. I still may use the trailer script for an longer film down the line, but we'll see what happens. I still hold out hope that I can get Chase to help me out with it, but it depends on his schedule.

--MOTW: The Short Film: While the fan film trailer is on indefinite hold, this moves up the ladder. I've completed a teaser trailer script for the film and have sent it off to my friend Adam, who'll also be playing the lead in the film project. He should have his part of the footage done in the next couple of weeks. Then I'll hope to get the special effects part done and craft it all together. Best case scenario: Expect the teaser to be done sometime in March. I'll keep you posted.

--Other Projects: I have several story ideas in the works, but until I can spend more time with them, I'll hold off on details.

--Equipment: I plan on getting a camcorder sometime in the next couple of months. Probably in March or April at the latest. If things work out from there, expect some film tests and shorts to happen in the spring and then I'll turn to my major film projects over the summer. I hope to at least get one short film done in August and another done by the end of the year, depending on how things play out.

That's the update for now. I'll have another M1F update very very soon.

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